Просмотр полной версии : CMaNGOS Commits

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  1. [10731] Remove redundant isAlive-check, thanks LordJZ for notice
  2. [10732] Not send session fields as args into HandleMoverRelocation/VerifyMovementInfo.
  3. [10733] Implement defencive guardians pet type for creatures like 28120
  4. [10734] Rename and clarify SummonPropertiesEntry.Type->Title field meaning.
  5. [10736] Fixed unexpected typo in prev. commit.
  6. [10735] Fixed spell 51420 work by use recently added protector pets as expected.
  7. [10737] Use empty name for non-unique named pets.
  8. [10738] In fact set pet name to empety state redundent.
  9. [10739] Cleanup pet remove code and some fixes.
  10. [10740] Cleanups in spell effects names.
  11. [10741] Add AI function OwnerKilledUnit for protector pets (when owner kills unit)
  12. [10742] Add `spell_bonus_data`.`spell_bonus_data` field and support for RAP bonuses use for spells d
  13. [10743] Add AP/RAP bonus data to `spell_bonus_data`.
  14. [10744] Prevent equip/unequip items in process logout
  15. [10745] Use ObjectGuid in spellauraholders instead uint64
  16. [10746] Use objetguid for other .list auras command part
  17. [10747] Some other aura caster object guid use cases.
  18. [10748] Convert MonsterSay/Say and similar functions to ObjectGuid use.
  19. [10749] Convert Gameobject owner to objectguid use.
  20. [10750] Convert Gameobject owner to objectguid use.
  21. [10751] Use objectguids in item code.
  22. [10752] Convert to objetguids map scripts and finally drop IS_PLAYER_GUID.
  23. [10753] Lost mangos.sql changes in one from recent commits.
  24. [10754] Use UNIT_FIELD_CRITTER for store minipet guid.
  25. [10755] Use class specific combat rating factors from gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalarStore.dbc
  26. [10756] Implement armor penetration limitations
  27. [10757] Implement zone limited pets unsummon at leave allowed zones.
  28. [10758] Fixed typo in CONTROLED_*
  29. [10759] Correctly reset mob orientation upon reaching spawn point. Should also improve visualisation
  30. [10765] Implement SPELL_AURA_MOD_PERIODIC_HEAL (259)
  31. [10764] Implement talent 44543 and ranks charges work.
  32. [10763] Move comments at 61 line, no functional changes.
  33. [10762] Implement SPELL_AURA_IGNORE_UNIT_STATE (252).
  34. [10761] Basic support for target-name in MonsterSay/etc
  35. [10760] Remove unneeded non-player Say et al.
  36. [10766] Allow AURA_FORCE_MOVE_FORWARD to work on creatures and vehicles. For example, it fixes spell
  37. [10767] Show value in combat logs.
  38. [10768] Remove useless code in PetAI::_stopAttack()
  39. [10769] Fixed trainer flags uses for pet trainers.
  40. [10770] Fixed auction items filering by quality.
  41. [10772] Fixed build for different PostgreSQL version at diff platforms.
  42. [10771] Explictly include Threading.h into WorldRunnable.h
  43. [10775] Use separate vars to indicate whether reputation needs to be sent or needs to be saved.
  44. [10774] Implement more generic reputation spillover
  45. [10773] Fixed crash at empty build list in realm string.
  46. [10776] Not mark `reputation_spillover_template` empty state as error
  47. [10777] Explictly include Threading.h into CliRunnable.h
  48. Fixed invisibility detection for new invisibility types.
  49. [10778] Make AI call OwnerKilledUnit() more proper.
  50. [10779] Allow ITEM_ENCHANTMENT_TYPE_COMBAT_SPELL to proc on special attacks too.
  51. [10780] Fixed warning in ReputationMgr::SetReputation.
  52. [10781] Use BattleGround(AV)TeamIndex enum types in AV battleground code.
  53. [10782] Use Team enum types in all appropriate cases and catches bug in result fix.
  54. [10784] Restrict items with generated loot really to single character only.
  55. [10783] Fixed comment in characters.sql
  56. [10785] Fixed warnings at comparison BattleGroundTeamIndex and BattleGroundAVTeamIndex
  57. [10786] A bit spell proc housekeeping
  58. [10787] Add explicitly header dependences for Database/QueryResult.h
  59. [10788] Replace bytes in single field `bytes2` by independent fields for `creature_addon`.
  60. [10789] Allow use old non-builting ACE versions (pre-ACE-5.5.4) at Unix-side.
  61. [10790] Moved vmap code from shared to game project
  62. [10792] Fixed warnings and need in redundent char* casts in database access code.
  63. [10791] Fixed more warnings with BattleGroundTeamIndex/BattleGroundAVTeamIndex mixed use.
  64. [10793] Fixed build problems for vc90 after recent vmaps dir move.
  65. [10794] Player.h expected DBCStores.h including.
  66. [10795] I must less press random buttons before push in monkey mode.
  67. [10796] Use regular map case in all trigger checks.
  68. [10797] Check for valid sheath state in creature addon at startup.
  69. [10798] Some more warning fixes related to BattleGroundTeamIndex/BattleGroundAVTeamIndex.
  70. [10799] Add GetGuidStr() short call for GetObjectGuid().GetString() and use it.
  71. [10800] Use ObjectGuid in some battleground structures.
  72. [10801] More ObjectGuid uses in battleground code.
  73. [10802] Use ObjectGuid in Mail code.
  74. [10803] Use ObjectGuid in player loading code.
  75. [10804] Restore build at *nix.
  76. [10806] Fixed typo in m_PrematureCountDownTimer initila value set.
  77. [10805] Remove code duplication in visibility distance check.
  78. [10807] Typo fix and memory layout optimization.
  79. [10814] Convert to ObjectGuid aura cast item guid access function.
  80. [10813] Use ObjectGuid for aura holder cast item guid.
  81. [10812] Use ObjectGuid for corpse owner guid.
  82. [10811] Use ObjectGuids in chat commands.
  83. [10810] More ObjectGuids specially in petition code.
  84. [10809] Remove diplicate World::GetQueueSize and rename functions to consistence naming
  85. [10808] Small cleanup and optimization in transport current point update.
  86. [10815] Use in social lists API ObjectGuid form.
  87. [10816] Remove GUID_LOPART/GUID_HIPART
  88. [10817] Add explicit include for ObjectGuid.h in AchievementMgr.h.
  89. [10818] Add dummy effect of spell 47170
  90. [10819] Fixed creature's speed recalculation, forgotten DB speed mods are used now
  91. [10820] Speedup and cleanup quest counters update code.
  92. [10821] Restore anti-cheating check work at buy item
  93. [10822] Fixed "unsigned is never < 0" warning.
  94. [10823] Clear way access/set UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_*/PLAYER_BYTES* byte fields.
  95. [10824] Fixed copy-paste typo in prev. commit.
  96. [10825] Move specific SQLStorage defines to game dir
  97. [10826] Fix vmap_assembler compilation after vmap folder move
  98. [10827] Add VC80 projects and solutions files where missing like vmap_extractor
  99. [10828] Fix warnings for TBB projects compilation using Visual Studio 10
  100. [10829] Update SpellFamily check functions.
  101. [10830] Prevent spell_proc_event entries to proc on any spell cast when SpellFamilyName is zero.
  102. [10831] Fixed crash at send mail from console
  103. [10832] Spawn pool at aura 63471 dispel in water.
  104. [10833] Avoid use unsafe remove auras in aura apply code.
  105. [10834] Cleanup shapeshift form code.
  106. [10835] Add/correct a couple more spell_proc_event entries for trinket related spells
  107. [10836] Again ignore EffectSpellClassMask when SchoolMask given in spell_proc_event.
  108. [10837] Implement script effect of spell 26218.
  109. [10838] Not report error for missing reqs for some quest timed achievements.
  110. [10839] At far teleport fail retunr player to source point instead homebind.
  111. [10840] Implement server side part of SPELL_AURA_ADD_MECHANIC_ABILITIES (293) work.
  112. [10841] Implement charges counting for magnet target auras.
  113. [10842] Allow fill DB table spell_script_target for TARGET_AREAEFFECT_INSTANT(7)
  114. [10843] Fix AuraType 138 to not affect ranged haste, and rename to SPELL_AURA_MOD_MELEE_HASTE.
  115. [10844] Remove small redundency in magnet spell charges checks.
  116. [10845] Add dummy effect of spell 49634 and dummy aura of spell 56511
  117. [10846] Add dummy aura of spell 43874 (indirectly related to spell/effect 50133)
  118. [10847] Unsummon guardians at second item use for items without cooldown.
  119. [10848] New system for parallelizing client packet processing. Handle WorldSession updates in Map::U
  120. [10849] Fix build with gcc.
  121. [10850] Move common check part for recently added filter classes to helper function.
  122. [10851] Small function order in sources update.
  123. [10852] Fixed typo in [10847]
  124. [10853] Report about GM invisible state at login if enable.
  125. [10854] Fixed crash at .character erase command use.
  126. [10856] Correct two whitespace errors
  128. [10857] Complete set Byte/ShortFlag value functions and use it for PLAYER_FIELD_BYTES proper access.
  129. [10858] Add triggered spell part for dummy effect of spell 43572
  130. [10859] Search for linked GO using the original used GO as base of the search
  131. [10860] Handle GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_TRAP in Use, as done for other GO types.
  132. [10861] Large flightless birds (emu) think they are invisible, even when they are not.
  133. [10862] Fixed not show and lost mail items in returned expire mails.
  134. [10863] Fixed triggering/use effects for item 54589, 54573, 37734, 32500, 28590.
  135. [10864] Implement itemsets 881, 882 at heal/damage target effect.
  136. [10865] Make DB code thread-safe. Original patch by Machiavelli and Kero99.
  137. [10866] Unsummon guardians at re-cast only for non-triggered case.
  138. [10867] Implement templates for trainer spell data in `npc_trainer_template`.
  139. [10868] Fixed spell 53479.
  140. [10869] Fixed typo in mangos.sql added in recent commit.
  141. [10870] Properly remove deleted character from friends of online players.
  142. [10871] Avoid lost arena match at leave queue (before invite to match)
  143. [10872] Grr, restore code style.
  144. [10873] Fixed crash for case when trainer have only data in npc_trainer_template.
  145. [10874] Update ACE to v5.8.3
  146. [10875] Update ACE version in NEWS/ChangeLog
  147. [10876] Really fix crash in SendTrainerList :/
  148. [10877] Traditional 'Waypoint' post-fix in mangos.sql
  149. [10878] Update achievement at maximize skill level by command or config option.
  150. [10879] Remove support unused option SocketSelectTime in mangosd.conf
  151. [10880] Avoid constant re-save BG entry data at each save for player at bg/arena.
  152. [10881] Lost important line in prev. commit.
  153. [10882] No error output for empty npc_trainer* tables
  154. [10883] Implement item 49982, 50641 equip effect
  155. [10884] Pet with same level as owner must have xp = 0
  156. [10885] Hunter pet can't have < owner-5 level
  157. [10887] Add dummy aura effect of spell 42515
  158. [10886] Fixed crash at GO use in case GO owner/first user offline state.
  159. [10888] Use 0.0f in one function and prevent some compiler warnings.
  160. [10889] Add dummy aura effect of spell 42517
  161. [10890] Merge apply/remove cases for recently added dummy auras.
  162. [10891] Access for core/scripts to creature race info in model dbc
  163. [10892] Fix load creature *addon data from database
  164. [10893] Speedup check code at `gossip_menu_option` loading.
  165. [10894] Fixed problems with new ACE lib on Darwin systems
  166. [10895] Description for found gender field in CreatureDisplayInfoExtraEntry.
  167. [10896] Detect self-referenced model info in `creature_model_info`.
  168. [10897] Small typos in error message.
  169. [10898] Fix for pool system problems after map rewrite.
  170. [10899] Remove default value for removed config option SocketSelectTime.
  171. [10900] Remove SPELL_AURA_MOD_POSSESS_PET auras in Unit::Uncharm()
  172. [10902] Simplify code for triggering linked trap
  173. [10901] Allow vehicles to have gossip menu
  174. [10903] Drop unused code in Unit::MeleeDamageBonusDone()
  175. [10904] Cleanup character_battleground_data when deleting characters from database
  176. [10905] Fixed vendor templates work.
  177. [10906] Fix Glyph 45806 to trigger from 49184 and ranks instead of unrelated spells.
  178. [10907] Allow mounts on map 603
  179. [10908] Imporve detection need use reagents by triggered spell.
  180. [10909] Code style cleanups in scripting related functions
  181. [10910] Use provided target instead of caster for SPELL_EFFECT_QUEST_COMPLETE
  182. [10911] Fix GCC warning
  183. [10913] Fix db_script_string loading
  184. [10912] Move scripting related functions from ObjectMgr to ScriptMgr
  185. [10914] Remove ObjectLevelLockable inheritance in Map class + cleanup locks in Map code. Restore bui
  186. [10915] Restore GameEvent system work after last Map terain rewrite.
  187. [10915] Use HasFlag function for check flags instead raw access.
  188. [10916] Implement dummy aura for spell 75973
  189. [10917] Allow SPELL_AURA_MOD_PACIFY auras to affect creatures
  190. [10918] Add support for ITEM_MOD_SPELL_PENETRATION
  191. [10919] Actually use spell penetration gained by items in calculations
  192. [10920] Prevent server freeze at strnage radisu used by item 34124 spell cast
  193. [10921] Allow from mute player chat messages CHAT_MSG_AFK and CHAT_MSG_DND.
  194. [10922] Revert "[8722] Fixed possible creash."
  195. [10923] Cleanup some magic numbers
  196. [10924] Send time diff between Update() calls for object - should help with mob respawn on inactive
  197. [10925] Few more vehicle flags
  198. [10926] Remove player-only limit for HandleAuraTransform where miscvalue is 0
  199. [10927] Prevent null-pointer dereference in AI calls
  200. [10928] Uncomment all races in enum Races
  201. [10929] Move game event creature morphing code to Creature::UpdateEntry
  202. [10930] Add models for spell 65528 and 65529
  203. [10931] Fix mangos build with old ACE libraries after [10924].
  204. [10932] Imporvments gameevent creature morphing.
  205. [10933] Fixed crash at modified data from client at trainer spell learn.
  206. [10934] Implement dummy effect of spell 7671.
  207. [10935] Move script calls to ScriptMgr
  208. [10936] Correctly show online status of 1.12.1 realms
  209. [10937] Add models for spell aura 50517 and 51926
  210. [10938] Some adjustments to script calls OnQuestChooseReward replaced with OnQuestRewarded. Also fix
  211. [10939] Check non-unit target case for avoid crash in EffectQuestComplete.
  212. [10940] Apply mangos code style to in class {} indent.
  213. [10941] More strict check player race/class allowed values.
  214. [10942] Implement .reload npc_text.
  215. [10943] Fixed mangos.sql after rename table to `game_event_creature_data`
  216. [10944] Lock action buttons before unlearning talents on spec switch.
  217. [10945] Restore check scripting lib API at load.
  218. [10946] Drop redundent spell_proc_event data.
  219. [10947] Update copyright notice for 2011 year.
  220. [10948] Fixed typo in enum names
  221. [10949] Fix the word accessable -> accessible in log message
  222. [10950] Check for scripting lib that it build with exactly same mangos rev.
  223. [10951] Add some missing spell_proc_event entries for set bonuses.
  224. [10952] Don't use singleton to access static functions.
  225. [10953] Add changes from [10949] to mangos.sql
  226. [10954] Drop not help clarify code comments.
  227. [10955] Fixed MSG_PVP_LOG_DATA data prepering.
  228. [10956] Implement support triggered spells in SCRIPT_COMMAND_CAST_SPELL
  229. [10957] Implement auras SPELL_AURA_MOD_DISARM_OFFHAND (254) and SPELL_AURA_MOD_DISARM_RANGED (278).
  230. [10958] Rename function to CanUseEquippedWeapon
  231. [10959] Better description of UNIT_FLAG2_UNK1
  232. [10960] Send SMSG_DISMOUNT to client.
  233. [10961] Avoid use scripting support wrappers for internal server code.
  234. [10962] Fixed wrong spell cast code call with missing bool arg.
  235. [10963] Rename UNIT_STAND_STATE_SUBMERGED to more generic *_CUSTOM
  236. [10964] Update a few GO create error messages with better engrish.
  237. [10967] Add dummy effect of spell 38194 and limit it's maxTargets
  238. [10966] Fixed typos in Callback template classes.
  239. [10965] Fixed typo in faction state changes flags reset.
  240. [10968] More typo fixes in Callback.h
  241. [10969] Some cleanups in MailDraft API
  242. [10970] Implement mass mail send infrastructure.
  243. [10971] Make normal server shutdown safe for not finished mass mail tasks.
  244. [10972] Implement mass mail gm commands.
  245. [10973] Implement game event mail sends at event start/stop.
  246. [10974] Possible fix for GCC based build problems after prev. commit.
  247. [10975] Report error about not existed item loot data only if item not have money loot.
  248. [10976] Fixed trailing whitespace.
  249. [10978] Use PExecute instead PQuery for geme event status updates
  250. [10977] Add ghost speed rate in config: Death.Ghost.RunSpeed.