- [12529] And more hotfixes with these format strings
- Merge pull request #120 from dsavineau/master
- Fix missing comma introduced in commit 12522
- [12530] Fix duplicate entry issue added in [12522]
- [12531] Implement the spells used in the Chess Event encounter
- [12533] Fix load bar step for alendarMgr::LoadCalendarsFromDB
- [12532] Cody Style Improvements
- [12534] Add missing spell 61437 to playercreate spells for bloodelves
- [12535] Loot-System: Fix reference loading check
- [12537] Immediately remove corpses when ForcedDespawn is used
- [12536] Fix use of config values related to quest-status and level
- [12538] Implement some custom use for Effect Activate Object spells
- [12539] Update some Sunwell Plateau spells
- [12540] Add new parameter 'expansion' to command 'account create'
- [12543] Add CMake source groups to target 'game'
- [12542] Add CMake source groups to target 'framework'
- [12541] Add CMake source groups to target 'shared'
- [12544] CMake: generic way to build a script library
- Redump sql databases to unify formatting
- Sync mangos.sql with other versions
- [12545] Implement spells 61187 and 61190
- [12546] Implement some spells for Ignis the Furnace Master
- [12547] Implement spells 64489 and 64673
- [12548] Remove effect for spell 64503
- [12551] Fix crash due to bad compiler
- [12550] Add special condition id for Ulduar
- [12549] Update spells 62374 and 62907
- [12554] EventAI - Add more developing error output
- [12553] Fix some target-type handling for EventAI
- [12552] Unify text-display functions
- [12556] FindGit.cmake already ships with CMake
- [12555] FindOpenSSL.cmake already ships with CMake
- [12557] EventAI - Ingame output of script state
- [12558] Implement effect for spell 63633
- [12559] Implement some spells used at Algalon encounter
- [12560] Implement some spell effects used by Hodir in Ulduar
- [12561] Implement TARGET_92 as TARGET_SUMMONER
- [12565] Improve handling of TargetMMGen
- [12564] Improve ObjectPosSelector
- [12563] Get rid of bounding radius in GetNearPoint[2D] and ObjectPosSelector
- [12562] Remove not required duplicate indexes
- [12568] Update git_id to reflect recent sql formatting changes
- [12569] Implement spell effects 62042, 62278 and 64767
- [12570] CMake: Create config.h for windows only when needed
- [12571] Remove effect for spell 62678
- [12572] Implement Iron Roots removal effect
- [12573] Implement some missing spell effects used during the Freya encounter
- Merge pull request #127 from Patman64/no_player_commands
- Allow server admins to disable GM commands for players entirely.
- Fix crash in ChatHandler::ParseCommands
- [12574] Implement spells for Mimiron encounter
- [12575] Update for Mimiron encounter spells
- [12577] Add positive exception for spell 56099
- [12578] Implement spell effect 45625
- [12579] Change startup logo. Thank to all involved.
- [12581] Implement 2 chat channel responses
- [12580] Improve chat channel code:
- [12582] Fix reloading horde controlled capture point
- [12583] Add a configurable delay between when a creature respawns and when it can aggro due to movem
- [12585] Fix for Finger of Frost 100% proc is corrected and stack also correctly decreased
- [12584] Rename m_respawnAggroDelay to make it more generic
- [12586] Fixed issue with PCH not working on some versions of GCC
- [12587] Chat system refactoring All chat function now call same method
- [12588] Restore nix build. Also forget to remove one MANGOSASSERT + cosmetic stuff
- [12589] New nix fix, sorry.
- [12590] Add BuildChatPacket comment, reorder parameters, correct a little bug gm name not showed on
- [12591] Fix freeze if opcode.txt file does not exist on .debug send opcode
- [12592] Fix arena scoreboard end screen
- [12593] Fix showing skirmish or rated arena queue icon
- [12594] Fix LANG_ADDON use on Guild Channels and avoid a possible crash.
- [12595] Imrpove readability of the code and avoid visual studio warning c4996 I don't think this can
- [12596] Avoid last Visual Studio warning.
- [12597] Fix aura not removed in some case. ProcFlag test seem not enough in some case.
- [12599] Improve npc chat command.
- [12598] Avoid a possible crash using console
- [12600] Cleanup world state sending
- [12601] Correct some BG chat message missing target name. Thank to @CamilleMoon for pointing. Fix cm
- [12602] Set max gossip menu items to 32
- [12603] Implement dummy effect for spell 41283
- [12604] Correct feeding hunter pet. Main problem was caused by commit d02e72ac9293724cf5595aaed335d3
- [12605] Fix debug parameters added in [12592]
- [12606] Big rename of creature_template fields. Also renamed core part to have same field name than
- [12607] Spell updates required for Northrend quests
- [12608] Rmove trailing code and correct frenchglish introduced in [12604] 630caa99b9723ff8886c46f4c
- [12609] Update all stats after creature respawn. That fix the stats were not correct when creature c
- [12610] Remove unused argument in CalculateMeleeDamage
- [12611] Hide known recipes when the Usable box is checked in the AH.
- [12612] This is used to prevent creatures from pulling too many nearby monsters, for example during
- [12613] Add ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE for EventAI
- [12614] Reserve more DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID. It seem that could be usefull.
- [12615] Loading/reloading classlevelstats.
- [12616] Reorganize code to allow rage rewarded for critter type.
- [12617] Fix creature loose target while rooted.
- [12619] Fix conflicting typedef error in ACE Prevent assert on platforms where we cannot change thre
- [12618] Remove unused constructor overloads
- [12621] Hand of Reckoning can now be used to fleeing creature.
- [12620] Fix creature flee dont loose target. Also Feared creature will loose correctly target then t
- [12622] Implement new stats system for Health and Mana. Core now suport health and mana from new sta
- [12623] Simplify and add comments to new stats system code.
- [12625] Hotfix broken ACE configure script of [12619]
- [12624] Correctly use custom value for specified creature rank in config file. Also add check to ens
- [12626] Improve "NPCs gets stuck in melee animation while casting".
- [12627] Improve random movement by permit randomly no wait time to next waypoint
- [12628] Fix PostgreSQL bindings and add support to build directly with PostgreSQL instead of MySQL.
- [12629] Don't do periodic heal ticks if the target is already at max health.
- [12631] Restore nix build after [12628]
- [12630] Totem are immune to their own spell workaround fix
- [12632] Remove a compile warning and better test with float
- [12636] Fix another warning and simplify code a little
- [12635] Fix tiny bug introduced in [8390] in an unused function
- [12634] Fix some unused parameter warnings
- [12633] Reorder and unify the config's stat modifier handling
- [12637] Fix a few more warnings
- [12638] Simple fix for Stealth is removed on fall damage problem Surely could be done better way...
- [12639] Fix bad english.
- [12640] Better value to check distance between owner and pet. This problem was introduced in [12565]
- [12641] Implement dummy effect of spell 63125
- [12642] Implement SMSG_INVALIDATE_PLAYER
- [12644] Implement vehicle SEAT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE
- [12643] Implement movement limitations for vehicles based on vehicle flags
- [12645] Add Visual Studio 2013 files
- [12646] Initialize AI on vehicle after player control is set / removed
- [12650] Add some additional safety checks to vehicle interaction packet processing
- [12649] Improve usable player seat condition
- [12648] Add some missing vehicle seat flags
- [12647] Let vehicle actionbar initialization independent of SEAT_FLAG_USABLE
- [12651] Remove unnecessary check added in 12646
- [12652] Fix creature not stopping in some conditions.
- [12653] Fix creature change z position when speed change.
- [12656] Initialize power type and power type values for creatures
- [12655] Implement generic power handling for Creatures and Pets
- [12654] Add new Regen Health / Power flags and rename database fields accordingly
- [12657] Set correct power type for vehicles based on PowerDisplay.dbc
- [12658] Revert [12653] and use a better fix.
- [12659] Allow sending custom eventAI events to all units in range
- [12660] Implement condition CREATURE_IN_RANGE
- [12661] Cleanup and rework power type setting
- [12662] Fixed build git_id at VS2013
- [12663] Fixed build error for some compilers after [12660]
- [12664] More missing includes
- [12666] Implement some spells required for quest 11198
- [12665] Add missing trap id for SendGameObjectCustomAnim call
- [12667] Add forgotten break by commit [12251].
- [12668] Implement method to send UI encounter unit frames for raid bosses
- [12669] Fix non PCH build from previous commit
- [12672] Implement SCRIPT_COMMAND_SEND_AI_EVENT_AROUND for dbscripts engine
- [12671] Implement ACTION_T_CHANGE_MOVEMENT for EventAI
- [12670] Add missing spell id 21883
- [12673] Implement spell effect 42281
- [12674] Implement script library hook for NpcSpellClick
- Fix bug in debug SendOpcode command
- [12675] Implement some of the spell effects used in Yogg Saron encounter
- [12676] All units can have Not_Selectable flag while boarded on vehicle
- [12679] Revert [12646]. This needs to be fixed in another way!
- [12678] Fix possible client crash when passenger despawns while boarded
- [12680] Improve [12678] with additional Vehicle checkes
- [12682] Disable AI attack for controllable vehicles
- [12681] Fix spell 9712
- [12683] Implement CreatureLinking Flag DESPAWN_ON_DESPAWN
- [12684] Implement more spells for Ulduar
- [12686] Allow SpellClick during combat for dungeons
- [12685] Implement more spells for Yogg-Saron encounter
- [12687] Implement sanity spells for Yogg-Saron encounter
- [12698] Update binaries
- [12697] Add CMake files for recastnavigation
- [12696] Change Vmap raw data version.
- [12695] Fix vmap geometry.
- [12694] Restore movemap generator compil and change mmap files versions.
- [12693] Set use of 64 bit for polygone ref
- [12692] Update function signature of closestPointOnPoly and getTileAt
- [12691] Update code for new recast/detour return value.
- [12690] Add new windows project for Detour and Recast
- [12689] Reintroduce recastnavigation updated to commit rev
- [12688] Remove old recastnavigation files
- [12699] Set DT_POLYREF64 for all platforms and configuration build Not sure about cmake. Currently o
- [12700] Set ShowProgressBars setting at startup to default 0. (fast startup privilegied)
- [12701] Make travis happy, but not sure its the correct way to add a preprocessor
- [12702] Disable by default classlevelstats related message till DB guys ready.
- [12703] Fix raid instance reset crash and add a server command to force reset. Also added a new serv
- [12704] Little forget in [12700] thanks to @XFurry.
- [12705] Restore build on VS2012. Older VS version still not work.
- [12706] Small code optimizations. Thank to @tzurbaev
- [12707] Restore build for older Visual Studio versions
- [12708] Fix some invalid WMO spell errors
- [12709] Fix a crashing typo related to .npc unfollow command
- [12710] Set DB Strict filter for creature_movement with MovementType 2
- [12711] Fixed possible mount abuse after leaving BattleGround
- [12713] Implement two more TEMPFACTION_TOGGLE flags
- [12712] Better DB values check when loading battleground_template
- [12714] Unify and beatuify system-startup text
- [12715] Remove config UseNewStats
- [12716] Fix MoveMapGen for VC100
- [12717] Add missing recast project for VS2012 and restore movemapgen build on it.
- [12718] Fix problem with scaling vmap model. VMap and MMap need to be rebuilded.
- [12720] Consistently use spaces in tools cmake files
- [12719] Fix linking issue in mmap and vmap_assembler tools
- [12721] Fix VC110/Detour.vcxproj.filters
- [12722] Add forgotten part of commit [12713]
- [12723] Implement spell effect 141 and spell id 41072
- [12724] Restore mmap extractor build with CMake by adding preprocessor
- [12725] Fix druid mana on shapeshift
- [12726] Implement aura 279 - Mirror Name
- [12728] Implement aura 243 - Faction Override
- [12729] Fix some warnings reported by static analysis
- [12730] Fix warning reported by travis;)
- [12731] Implement spell effect 46292
- [12734] Implement basic support for area 284 - Trigger Linked Aura
- [12735] Fix static analysis warnings in AHBot
- [12738] Add positive exception for spell 42436
- [12737] Implement spell effect 145 - Gravity Pull
- [12736] Allow targets 60 and 110 to use script target whenever required
- [12740] Fix commit [12736]
- [12739] Remove invisibility aura (aura 18) based on attribute
- [12741] Update some spells for Sunwell Plateau
- [12742] Add all missing DT_POLIREF64 preprocessors
- [12743] Fix some static code analysis warnings and improve performance
- [12744] Allow spell cast on non selectable vehicle passengers
- [12745] Implement dummy auras 47563 and 47593
- [12746] Fix static analysis const reference performance warnings
- [12747] Fix static analysis repeated expression performance warning (1)
- [12748] Implement spell effect 19395
- [12749] Update fall information on vehicle unboard
- [12750] Allow script command 16 to Play Music using the additional flag
- [12751] Implement spell effect 50773
- [12753] Allow forced cast spells by vehicle to unboard the passenger if required
- [12752] Revert previous commit.
- [12754] Remove support for deprecated VC90
- Add build status image
- [12755] Fix [12753]
- [12756] Implement Battleground scores storage system
- [12757] Add Shaman/Warrior flurry spell chains
- [12758] Add missing SQL update in previous commit
- [12759] Revert [12757]
- [12760] Extend pvp team indexes to global use
- [12761] Use shiny new function to play music with the spell
- [12762] Fix rooted player continue their movement while rooted for other clients.
- [12763] Fix a little memleak. Thank to @kid10. Also fix sql error introduced in 9b7bb67c0eeabfe3e814
- [12764] Fix more remaining sql-errors from recent pvp-stats updates
- [12768] EventAI - Some random changes
- [12767] EventAI - SpeedUp OOC-LoS Event handling
- [12766] EventAI - CodeStyle
- [12765] Improve EventAI code engine a little bit to be more effective with EVENT_T_RANGE
- [12769] Reverse pvp team indexes for score statistics storage
- [12770] Fix winner team for bg scores storage
- [12771] Rewrite rest management.