Просмотр полной версии : Combat Rolls Overhaul: Cleanup and new crit API

14.01.2017, 10:10
Автор: Warlockbugs

<pre style='white-space:pre-wrap;width:81ex'>Combat Rolls Overhaul: Cleanup and new crit API

Redudnant parts of API were merged.

New crit API, reimagined as two parts: dealt and taken.
Crit damage calculation reimagined as a multiplication of two multipliers.
Old resilience API was scrapped and integrated into new API.

Fixes and changes:
* Hotfix math error in bonus parry and miss chance for NPCs.
* WotLK: fixed crit healing bonus metagem interaction with other effects.
* Totems now use owner***39;s crit damage and healing multipliers.
* Totems now have no inherit chance to be missed/resisted by direct hits against them.</pre>

Подробнее... (https://github.com/cmangos/mangos-wotlk/commit/5663ca1e14a13c37e930033273ff1bcef05af5c3)