Просмотр полной версии : Buf Flymaster

07.11.2012, 11:29
Bug FLYMASTER (rebel camp) to booty bay
When taking flight, this one takes us to Tarren Mill (Horde)
(Tested departing from the rebel camp and Stromwind)
I do not know if this is due to the recent commits on transport

07.11.2012, 18:16
I cannot reproduce an error.
* UDB 405
* CMangos
* Without SD2 (but sd has no impact on taxi-flying..)
* With Ally DK Dreinei Female Naked
* With RebelCamp->BootyBay, BootyBay->RebelCamp, Stormwind->BootyBay and BB -> SW

08.11.2012, 12:01
bug persists only for me to go to booty bay tested with a human rogue
cmangos 12254
udb 405
sd2 2451
edit: it seems that this bug is specific to the rogue. A warrior goes on a booty bay

08.11.2012, 15:45
Nope, no way to reproduce for my any problem with this!

Also i cannot see any reason on server side for this behaviour..

A possible idea i have is somehow corrupted data in the characters DB, maybe clear the taxi-mask field for the char and then retry (though with this you will lose all taxi nodes) - backup the data :)
(data stored in characters.taximask (as string field) )