Просмотр полной версии : [12018] [patch][spell=51519]Death Knight Initiate Visual

19.06.2012, 19:25
Спелл 51519 должен менять модель в зависимости от расы и пола.
Патч во вложении.
diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
index 4e88889..848198b 100644
--- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
+++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
@@ -7338,6 +7338,34 @@ void Spell::EffectScriptEffect(SpellEffectIndex eff_idx)

+ case 51519: // Death Knight Initiate Visual
+ {
+ if (!unitTarget)
+ return;
+ uint8 gender = unitTarget->getGender();
+ uint8 race = unitTarget->getRace();
+ uint32 spellId = 0;
+ switch (race)
+ {
+ case RACE_HUMAN: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51520 : 51534); break;
+ case RACE_DWARF: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51538 : 51537); break;
+ case RACE_NIGHTELF: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51535 : 51536); break;
+ case RACE_GNOME: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51539 : 51540); break;
+ case RACE_DRAENEI: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51541 : 51542); break;
+ case RACE_ORC: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51543 : 51544); break;
+ case RACE_UNDEAD: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51549 : 51550); break;
+ case RACE_TAUREN: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51547 : 51548); break;
+ case RACE_TROLL: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51546 : 51545); break;
+ case RACE_BLOODELF: spellId = (gender == GENDER_MALE ? 51551 : 51552); break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (spellId)
+ unitTarget->CastSpell(unitTarget, spellId, true);
+ return;
+ }
case 51770: // Emblazon Runeblade
Unit* caster = GetAffectiveCaster();

20.06.2012, 20:16
Small note: with this implemented we need to remove the hacks from the sd2 scripts.
I assume you tested without them?

21.06.2012, 09:10
Я тестировал на чистом ядре, без СД2.
I tested it on a clean kernel without SD2.

21.06.2012, 19:55
Actualy this patch seems to be wrong:

// equal to player Race field, but creature does not have race
SetByteValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 0, 0);

NPCs have no race, hence the fix won't work!

22.06.2012, 09:37
Если спелл кастует игрок, то меняем условие
if (!unitTarget)
if (!unitTarget || unitTarget->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER)

22.06.2012, 10:14
Actualy this patch seems to be wrong:

// equal to player Race field, but creature does not have race
SetByteValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 0, 0);

NPCs have no race, hence the fix won't work!Why then getRace is on Unit level ?

22.06.2012, 20:44
maybe it was unclear in the beginning if npcs can have a race.
and it uses UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1(0), so it is with some reason on unit-level.

About this patch.
I see no other way then to use the way sd2 handles this (by display-id) - which could be ported to mangos-code.
This would actually be nicer as it would then be a script-effect. But move something rather ugly to mangos.

Hence I think the ugly code is better left in sd2 even if it must be considered a hack there :(

23.06.2012, 01:05
struct CreatureDisplayInfoExtraEntry
uint32 DisplayExtraId; // 0 m_ID CreatureDisplayInfoEntry::m_extendedDisplayInfoID
uint32 Race; // 1 m_DisplayRaceID
You can get race by display id with extanded info

In fact, in DBCStores.h exist special function for this:
MANGOS_DLL_SPEC uint32 GetCreatureModelRace(uint32 model_id);

24.06.2012, 20:41
In [12018] Thank you ;)