Просмотр полной версии : Glyph of Chains of Ice

16.12.2010, 23:52
mangos: 10876

i found a little bug. well its little but maybe realy hurd to create fix patch for it...
here it is. DK. http://www.wowhead.com/item=43537 glyph

Your Chains of Ice also causes 144 to 156 Frost damage, with additional damage depending on your attack power.
YES. it is causing 144 - 170 frost damage. but. NO additional damage from your attack power....

so the bug with attack power not working for this [Glyph of Chains of Ice]
manualy by spells Increased my dk attack power to 12748. max damage with chains of ice. = 177. with glyph. same damage was on 2000 attack power too. so its bug. attack power has no effect on that glyph. but it should!!!

17.12.2010, 00:02
check out http://www.wowhead.com/item=43537#comments COMMENTS

By Beknar on 06/01/2010 (Patch 3.3.3)
With Black Ice 5/5, UH presence and 5400ap it hits for 850on target with around 900resilience and 1000+with trinket proced so it isn't isnt SO bad.

and me on privat mangos server with 12748ap. hitting normal mob with 177 frost damge :(

18.12.2010, 23:53
А как поступать в правильности вычисления коэффициента у данного глифа ?
Конечно если на воввики у спела описан бонус - то ок, а вот как поступать в данном случае ?
К счастью есть дк 73-го лвла с 1634 ап, сделал примерно такое же ап у дк на мангосе, вот только не понятно - сколько ставить коэффициент в ap_bonus , выходит где-то 0,06 0,09 .:pardon:
Что-то не верится , что б такими методами проходили вычисления...
Или есть какой то секретный ход ?

19.12.2010, 01:17
selector added a note to 5cc28be 1 day ago
Ok, here is a very-very rude hack(we need to modify http://www.wowhead.com/spell=58620 It can be easy done in core, but I have no idea about real dmg scailing from ap, so better to hack in db)

INSERT INTO `spell_bonus_data` VALUES (58621, 0, 0, 0.08, 0, 'Glyph of Chains of Ice\r\n');
Information for spell was taking from http://www.wowace.com/addons/dr-damage/ addon(open DeathKnight.lua and find "Glyph of Chains of Ice" there)

dmg modified by 8% of yours AP. Best Regards.

this post is not mine. its from github by https://github.com/selector